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University of Mumbai
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Contact Details:
Name : University of Mumbai
URL : "www.mu.ac.in
AddressLine1 : "University Computerisation Centre University of Mumbai, Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma Bhavan, Room No. 214, 2 nd floor, Vidyanagari Campus Santacruz ( E ), Mumbai-400 098."
AddressLine2 :
AddressLine3 :
District : Mumbai
State : Maharashtra
Country : India
Pincode : 400098
Telephone : 91-22-2652 7086 / +91-22-2652 3048, 1250-111-007
Fax : 91-22-26527083
Email : ide@mu.ac.in
The University of Mumbai (known earlier as University of Bombay) is one of the oldest and premier Universities in India. It was established in 1857 consequent upon "Wood's Education Dispatch", and it is one amongst the first three Universities in India.

As a sequel to the change in the name of the city from Bombay to Mumbai, the name of the University has been changed from "University of Bombay " to "University of Mumbai " ,vide notification issued by the Government of Maharashtra and published in the Government Gazette dated 4th September, 1996.

The profile of this University carved out in 150 years of its functioning attests to its manifold achievements as the intellectual and moral powerhouse of the society. The University has always given its best to the country in general and to the city of Mumbai in particular by enthusiastically shouldering an ever-growing load of social values and opportunities.

Initially, the University concentrated its efforts on controlling teaching at the undergraduate level and in conducting examinations. Later on it took up research and the task of imparting instructions at the Post-Graduate level. This resulted in the establishment of the University Departments beginning with the School of Sociology and Civics & Politics. The independence of the country led to the re-organization of the functions and powers of the University with the passing of the Bombay University Act of 1953.

It is now granted a Five Star status by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). It has two campuses of area 230 acres and 13 acres, with 1.25 million square feet of built-up area, 22 thousand sq. feet of class-rooms and 84 thousand sq feet of laboratory space. It has two post-graduate centers, 354 affiliated colleges and 36 Departments. It has established its name in industrial collaborations and runs various professional courses.