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1.there r less than 500 students in a school.the no of students gives a whole number when divided by 3. the same hapens when done with 4,5,7.what r the no. of students in class?

2.. A man fixed an appointment to meet Mr.Aby (Sorry..dont remember the exact name). Aby asked him to meet three days after the day before the day after tomorrow. Today is saturday. What is the appointed day? --> 3 marks

3.Consider a pile of Diamonds on a table. A thief enters and steals 1/2 of the total quantity and then again 2 extra from the remaining. After some time a second thief enters and steals 1/2 of the remaining+2. Then 3rd thief enters and steals 1/2 of the remaining+2. Then 4th thief enters and steals 1/2 of the remaining+2. When the 5th one enters he finds no diamond on the table. Find out the total no. of diamonds originally on the table before the 1st thief entered.

4.clark, jones, mason, smith are 4 ppl. there are 4 professions druggists, grocer, butcher, policeman. find out who is who?

1)clark and jones are neighbours and they drive each other to work.

2)jones earns more than mason

3) the police man earns more than the druggists and i "think" the grocer.

4) the policeman does not have a druggists as a neighbour.

5) the butcher walks to work

6)policeman does not meet the grocer until he arrests him for commiting an offence

7)clark beats smith every time they play cricket.

one or more options are given but they r useles , just to confuse

ans       smith - policeman

            mason- butcher

            clark - druggist

            jones- grocer                                                                                     6 marks

5.If one fifth of a hive of bees flew to the rose flower, one third flew to the lotus flower, three times the difference of these two numbers flew to slandbara & one bee continued to fly about, attracted on each side by the fragrant of ketaki & malati, what was the total number of bees?

X + X + 3( X - X ) +1 = X
3 5 3 5

=> X = 15 = Number of bees.                                                                            4 marks


6..K,L,M,N,O,P are the 6 members of a family.P is the sister of M. L is the brother of O's husband.N is the father of K & the grand father of M.There are 2

fathers,3 brothers&1 mother in the family.

a)who is husband of O?

b)how many males r there in family?

c)what r the pairs of brothersin family?

there r many options r given from which u have to choose one

ANS:N-grandfather,L&K-his sons,K-husband of O,M&P are the son &

daughter of K&O

a)K      b)4            c)LKM(there r 3 brothrs not necessary of each other)                                           6 marks

7.Salad problem.. Four girls Robin,Mandy,Stacy,Erica of four families Miller,Jacob,Flure,and Clark prepare four salads using the fruits Apples cherries bananas,grapes.Each girls uses 3 fruits in her salad.No body have the same combination.
1 )Robin not a Miller girl uses apples.
2) Miller and Mandy uses apples and cherries.
3) Clark uses cherries and grapes but Flure uses only one of them.
4)Erica is not Clark nor Flure.
Then 4 questions asked.
1. Which is robins family:
a. Miller b. Jacob c.Flure d. Clark

2. Which fruit is not used by Mandy?

a. Cherries
b. Grapes
c. Apples

3. Which is the combination by Erica?

a. Apples, cherries, Bananas
b. Apples ,Cherries, Grapes
c. Apples,Grapes,Bananas
d. Cherries, Grapes, Bananas

4. Which is robin's fruit combination?

a. Apples, cherries, Bananas
b. Apples ,Cherries, Grapes
c. Apples,Grapes,Bananas
d. Cherries, Grapes, Bananas

(I don't exactly remember the Qn but almost similar)                                                             8Marks

sorry,i dont know ans exactly

8.In a party, there one man dances exactly with 3 ladies & 1 woman dances exactly with 3 men . there are exactly two pairs are common with every men. how many people are there in party?                           3 marks

9.one more ques of analogy. sorry, i dont remember.                                                            6 marks

10. A person gets his old book binded. but he finds that the page numbers are cut off.so he starts numbering the pages. During the process he find that 3 is encountered  61 times. Can u tell, how many pages were there in book?

Hence answer is 300 pages.

You should go through Shakuntala devi & latest  papers of freshersworld.com.The questions are repeated   vewry often. u can also do George summers as they help u out in 8 marks analogy questions.       

 After this there was second round for english of 30 minutes which was easy.It consisted of

i. Reading compehension

ii. Fill in with appropriate Word

iii. Choose the correct phrase

iv. Choose the correct statement

v. Fill in with appropriate preposition.


My interview took place on 19 july at Murthal, & it was completly HR interview & nothing technical is asked.As this was my first interview in any company , i was very nervous. When i was called , the manager asked about me.At that i was so nervous that i stammered in between. then he asked me why i have chosen computers field.I answered that in school time it was a togh subject for me ,so i took this subject as a challenge,& chosen this field. then he asked about my favourite subjects in school, i replied chemistry & maths. then he asked me few puzzles regarding maths & chemistry which are:-

1.if u r given 2 beakers half filled with water & another beaker is also half filled with sulphuric acid & i want to empty one beaker then what should i do, should i put water in sulphric acid or acid in water?

2.how many quadrilaterals are there in chessboard?

this ans i didnt know, but i told him that it will b calculated by permutation & combination by considering rows & columns.

3. if u have nail enamel bottle which becomes empty, then give ten uses of that empty bottle?

a)put gum in it

b) put color for paintings like spray painting

c)put oil for maching prts in it.

i have just mentioned  these only

then he asked if i have any query regarding infy?

i asked why infy has devlopment centres in south only & not in northern India? which he explained very nicely & sweetly .

but after this interview my name along with few more students was called again for interview after 2hrs(approx.).At that time  i gave answers very confidently & it was just like talkin with ur seniors or friends. In that interview they asked me about my software skills that i can contribute to infosys & what my skills can provide to infosys.I just told my project work & the languages that i know & told them that i would like to provide best of my work to infosys with honesty & dedication.After that the manager asked that if he give me any project then how will i handle it. I told him each & every point of s/w life cycle from requirement to testing & debugging. then he asked  if u  r the manger how will u handle the project .I described that i 'll assign each person the job acc to his qualification & experience. then he asked how wil u motivate ur team members . i have given 2 -3 points & finally the result was declared after half an hour & i got selected.

So in the end, i would like to say that interview is nothing but a conversation  in which u r judged just by talkin.Also keep in mind that dont try to bulf the other person bcoz these persons r perfect mnd readers & they can easily catch what is inside u. so dont worry it is very easy to get through infy by just a bit of hard work & communication skills.

All the best